The goal of our work is to reduce inequality
Our work is focused on improving the quality of life of people who need it, the activities we carry out range from constructive leisure to social assistance, through the granting of different benefits.
Taking into account the problems in which many countries find themselves, we carry out projects in order to contribute to improving the life conditions of developing countries in the social, cultural, educational, and especially, healthcare fields and nutrition, as well as the comprehensive development of people affected by poverty in those countries.
What we do?
Information, assessment and guidance programmes.
Anti-poverty program.
Camps for children.
Recreational workshops.
Formación de voluntariado.
Leisure activities aimed at promoting child and youth integration.
International Guidance, Prevention and Infrastructure Construction Programs.
Care to: minors, young people, families, women, men and the elderly.
Youth camps.
Training for leisure and free time instructor.
Group interventions, among which the workshops and meetings with different groups stand out, attending to the specific needs of each one of them.
Intervention and social care

Its purpose is to promote the social inclusion of homeless people through a bus equipped to cover basic needs, advice and support from the work team to promote actions that favor and enhance the achievement of autonomy and allow them to obtain improvement in their life quality.

Dirigido a personas que se encuentren en situación de extrema necesidad o en riesgo de exclusión social, el centro de acogida ofrece un hogar donde puedan residir hasta que logren mejorar su situación, guiándolos y formándolos en su proceso de reintegración y desarrollo personal.

Un techo una esperanza
Dirigido a quienes se encuentren en situación
de extrema necesidad o en personas en riesgo de exclusión social por causa de un desalojo inminente o un desahucio ofreciéndoles un hogar donde residir hasta que puedan mejorar su situación, guiándolos y formándolos.

Food Bank
It intervenes in the neighborhoods of Tamaraceite (Piletas and Cuidad del Campo), Lomo Blanco, El Fondillo, Jinámar, Las Remudas, El Puerto and Balos. The role is to provide food to people who have been assessed and referred by the municipal social services and our social workers.
It started in 2010 and currently operative, it has the collaboration of private entities that provide the food to be distributed.

Local Fresh Products Delivery Project
To mitigate the needs of the most vulnerable population on the Island of Gran Canaria, which, as a consequence of the economic paralysis due to COVID 19, caused an increase of the most basic needs for families.
It began in May 2020.

Social emergency aid management
This intervention is carried out in the neighborhoods of Jinámar, Las Remudas, Tamaraceite (Piletas and Ciudad del Campo), Lomo Blanco, El Fondillo, Doctoral Balos and San Bartolomé de Tijarana to receive different types of social assistance.

Anti-poverty shock plan
It consists of the assessment of the population for the subsequent distribution of social economic aid among those who need it. The intervention is carried out in the neighborhoods of Telde (Las Remudas, Jinámar), El Fondillo, Lomo Blanco, Tamaraceite (including Cuidad del Campo and Piletas), Santa Lucia (Doctoral and Balos) and San Bartolomé de Tirajana.

Basic aid for immigrants
Aimed at immigrants in situations of risk and social exclusion in concepts of payment of supplies, rent and food.

Sowing opportunities
Aimed at people in a situation of risk and social exclusion in concepts of payment of supplies, rent and food.
Vulnerable households
Ayuda para familias Aimed at families with dependent minors in a situation of social exclusion to attend to basic needs through financial aid in different concepts.
New social opportunities
Aimed at people at risk and social exclusion in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in terms of payment for supplies, rent and food.
Promoción de la Salud Materno-infantil en Bamako
Mejorar la salud de las madres gestantes y sus hijos en la ciudad de Bamako. Se inicia por primera vez en diciembre de 2016.
Construcción de un patio en el Colegio de Bamako
Aimed at children from infant to 6th grade. Work began in January 2021.
Guinea Ecuatorial, apoyo al colegio Talita Cum
Ofreciendo formación profesional y facilitando el acceso al mundo laboral de jóvenes y adultos, promover el aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura.
Llevando Esperanza Vila Cruzeiro, Brasil
Help improve the socio-educational level of adolescent children and young people living in the Favelas complex, giving classes for students with learning difficulties.
Pequeñas semillas, Mozambique
El objetivo es ofrecer educación desde el periodo de guardería hasta la ESO, proporcionando una educación básica que permita su alfabetización al mismo tiempo que se trabaja en el área de salud y en otras dificultades básicas que se puedan presentar.

Promotion of Maternal-child Health in Bamako
Improve the health of pregnant mothers and their children in the city of Bamako. It starts for the first time in December 2016.

Construction of a courtyard at Bamako's School
Aimed at children from infant to 6th grade. Work began in January 2021.

Equatorial Guinea, support for the Talita Cum's school
Offering professional training and facilitating access to works for young people and adults, promote learning to read and write.
Carrying Hope
Vila Cruzeiro, Brazil
Help improve the socio-educational level of adolescent children and young people living in the Favelas complex, giving classes for students with learning difficulties.
Little seeds,
The objective is to offer education from kindergarten to secondary education, providing a basic knowledge that allows literacy while working in the health area and other basic difficulties that may arise.
Creando Oportunidades
(Range of measures to combat social exclusion)
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Avivando Esperanza
Aimed at older people who find themselves in a state of loneliness and abandonment, providing them with tools and various activities to improve their life quality.
Youth and children camps
The general objective of this project is to prevent the social exclusion of children and young people, through the reinforcement of social skills and providing healthy leisure time through positive experiences, contributing to participation in different groups, both with peers and adult population.
Estrechando lazos
Dirigido a familias con menores que residen en el barrio de Jinámar con el objetivo de fomentar la relaciones entre ellos, para intervenir desde un enfoque social con las familias en riesgo de exclusión social que residen actualmente en el Valle de Jinámar.
Formando Jugando y creciendo en valores:
The main objective is to contribute to improving the life quality of the citizens of Gran Canaria island and to promote the personal and social development of the minor through leisure activities and free time as part of the socio-educational
process to prevent social exclusion.
Said subsidy was awarded by the Department of Social Rights, Equality, Diversity and Youth of the Government of the Canary Islands.